Kristen Sargeant


There are many names for the work I do.

Leadership & Personal Development

Each of us has a unique brand of genius—a set of values that orient us, and a form of authentic self-expression that optimizes our impact and performance. We also have deeply held mental constructs and beliefs that can get in our way. I help people gain awareness of their innate strengths and learned limitations and marry that awareness to action and accountability in order to create unprecedented results.

Create forward flow & positive feedback loops
Team Building & Change Management

Using a process of awareness, action & accountability, I help organizations and teams discover the maladaptive patterns blocking innovation and opportunity; uncover the hidden internal levers to create forward flow; and establish positive feedback loops within both the individual and the group to elevate performance and results.

Female Empowerment

I believe women are the stewards of powerful leadership intelligence our world is hungry for. For millennia, women have cultivated many of the human values—connection, collaboration, interdependence, and empathy, to name a few—we desperately need. Unfortunately, a combination of inner and outer bias often causes women to reject or ignore this vital leadership intelligence and power. One of my greatest joys is supporting women in integrating and leveraging their creative potential and innate leadership.

Allying with your shadow will set you free
Shadow Work

Every human being has a shadow dimension that resides in our subconscious—the place where shame and vulnerability live, as well as the fear of our power and greatness. Most of the time, we choose to ignore it. However, ironically, to achieve our full potential, we must ally with our Shadow—creating an unshakeable bond that immunizes us to outside judgment and unleashes our confidence, creativity and forward motion. Engaging the Shadow is incredibly powerful, catalytic, high-rewards work.

Content Development

When you are ready to put your most authentic, heart-felt, impassioned message into the world, I help craft highly original, smart and emotionally evocative content, and coach you to deliver it with sincerity and conviction. From the written word to speaking engagements and personal brand development, I have coached and produced content that has reached over 11M people to date.

I have a passion for working with creative, 
growth-minded individuals and organizations.

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